My Pledge

Unlike physical trainers, you will have the experience of physical, life, and coach training. As a lifestyle trainer, the package you will receive is based on a tailored strategy to help you build and achieve your personal goals. This includes helping you with a healthy diet by giving you ideas on how a healthy plate can give you the strength to train, the correct way, and help you achieve an overall healthy lifestyle. Balancing training and diet with lifestyle changes can be quite a challenge to do on your own. As a lifestyle personal trainer, I’ll be there to help you with the mental roadblocks and be there to help guide you before you go over the edge. With my British Military background in physical training, I teach you how to see the signs of negative behavior before they happen or help you stop them before they do too much damage. If you have struggled with life issues, diet, self-doubt, mental challenges, or self-esteem issues, then I’m the trainer for you!

Weight Training

As your personal trainer, I will provide you with individualized instruction based on your current fitness level. I will educate and study you by assessing what your body can and cannot do and will design a workout regimen accordingly. During the workout, as your trainer, I will monitor your progress and add intensity or slow things down a bit if needed. The end result is a workout tailored to your body and fitness goals. I will keep a record of your progress and monitor you on a regular basis. Regular weight training sessions under guidance by myself, are the best way to keep tabs on the effectiveness of your program. If your progress stalls, we can look at adding new, targeted exercises to get off the plateau. Your training will become more specialized as you build strength and stamina.


Boxing is a great way to develop both functional and aesthetic abs. A big misconception is that boxing is merely an arms workout. Sure, if you box with poor form your shoulders will burn like no other but when you box with proper form it is also a profound core workout. With all techniques and interval training, Box-fit will give you an overall conditioned body as well as the release of stress.

Outdoor Fitness Training

The fresh air the environment, the freedom of a confined gym, Bring you into my playground, years of being out in the open learning how nature works, this chance and physical challenge of the outdoors, strengthening your cardiovascular system and giving you the opportunity to move over difficult ground while your safe with a experienced wilderness instructor, these excursions will take place bi monthly over weekend period starting Friday to Sunday late afternoon, this weekend course will be available for all very soon.

Competition Preperation Training

Preperation for competitions.

Full Body And Mind Wellness

Offering a holistic approach to health considers the whole person – body, mind, and spirit. It aims to address the underlying causes of health and diet issues. Rather than just using a guessing approach. This can involve a combination of approaches, including mind-body practices, nutrition, physical activity, or just talking. Everything involved with personal training is confidential.

Programs Customized To Your Individual Needs

There’s no need to confuse you with needlessly complex movements, each client is different based on your needs and your personal goals, easy to understand you will not need a thesaurus for any explanations, progress, and actions. No cookie-cutter approaches, we are all individuals and we all have different ways of learning and coping.